Thursday, August 27, 2020
Wicked Problems Social Policy in America on Equality Essay
Devilish Problems Social Policy in America on Equality - Essay Example They had the option to work; instruct themselves and ascend in the public arena. Social approaches don't address the sociological issues, they answer at an exceptionally shallow level the end issues managing imbalance and not inside disparity. Meritocracy and Egalitarism can't be accomplished as it expect that we are not one of a kind people. Three issues we be secured: inheritance issues in Elite universities, Blacks come up short in graduate school and Gay relationships. In finishing up an outline will be made, affirming when the administration gets included, social gatherings endure. Much contention has been in the press about graduated class tolerating heritage inclinations. Inheritance inclinations as of now isn't secured by Affirmative Action yet the administration is hoping to pass enactment under the The Civil Rights Act of 1866 which forestalling separation dependent on family and on race. (Wise 2010) I for one don't figure the issue ought to be tended to at the administrati on level. A graduated class kid has a 20% increasingly possibility of being acknowledged in his parent's school. Is this not human nature?(Kahlenberg 2010) Currently in France, it is strategy so as to go after a position, the candidate has the option to preclude all data demonstrating his race, foundation or religion. In the event that the US were to do likewise, at that point the College candidate despite everything has the SAT scores. A parent, who has originated from an Elite school, will have given his kid a decent foundation consequently the most ideal groundwork for the SAT. Experimentally it is difficult to measurably test, if inheritance inclination means that acknowledgment. On the off chance that Elite schools were to carefully apply governmental policy regarding minorities in society, it would be at the impediment of under qualified understudies. An investigation done by Standford University found that 33% of dark graduate school graduates in California produce passing re sults for the law knowledge review on the principal attempt and most never become legal advisors. (Kahlenberg 2010)T he question nearby is to get ready dark understudies before they get to University so they are not in the circumstance to come up short. Â Gay Marriages infers that the organization of relationships is totally disintegrated. In the event that 1 out of 2 youngsters will endure a separated from marriage, the inquiry isn't permitting gay relationships yet for what reason is the idea of marriage having corrupted to such a regrettable level. (Frum 1997 ) The Social Structure and idea of marriage is the genuine issue. There is not, at this point the social structure inside the religion which governing rules every relationship to ensure individuals and couples remain in good shape. Gay relationships are an indication of society that the organization of marriage is significantly increasingly unreliable. Marriage used to be a way to bring up youngsters; to make a real existen ce time bond; to proceed with family heritages. Presently it has become an activity in radical self-rule. Governmental policy regarding minorities in society and marriage don't go connected at the hip. Carrying a youngster into the world expect that the mother, typically the lady, assumes a lower job in the couple as she has surrendered a significant number of her equalitarian opportunities to raise her family. He proposes to make it harder to separate; to instruct in school the various jobs of the genders and to educate in human science that it were socially worthy, Government strategy has nothing to do with it. David inquires as to whether gay people would truly need to wed on the off chance that they knew the convoluted social structure it really included. It is difficult work to remain wedded and upbeat. There isn't the independence or the governmental policy regarding minorities in society in a marriage. An organization is intended to stand. The family is a sociological structu re that has been long piece of our general public before the 50's. Those, who favor gay marriage, must not have solid marriage themselves. A lady was worked to have kids and to raise youngsters. Maybe the word 'marriage' is the issue. In certain nations, laws have been passed sanctioning the option to live
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Job Task Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Occupation Task Analysis - Essay Example particles and submitting them to the human asset supervisor, planning interviews for new representatives in the branch, and following up on their advancement once utilized. Any notices for the division are likewise to be set up by the work force representative in control (Reddy, 2004). Conduct destinations are objectives that the military branch will intend to achieve when preparing the work force assistant. They incorporate obligations and duties that the assistant ought to be familiar with before the finish of the preparation. Along these lines, as per the above assignments the social goals recorded ought to be that: the work force agent will ace all the chronicle strategies in the workplace; the individual will likewise have the option to comprehend on the best way to catch up on the military staff; the individual will have the option to build a compensation move sheet from the participation register and in conclusion, that the person will have the option to set up all the notification notices of the faculty division if need be. A vocation task investigation is utilized to prepare a business by spreading out all the obligations to be performed. (Wolfe, 1991) An examination for a faculty representative would be: Enter into the workplace; Sign in at the register; Check out the participation of every single worker of the military branch; Note any missing workers; Identify the occasions of the day; Ensure all the workplace records are flawlessly set up; Arrange any lost archives; Prepare any reminders required; Receive and go to any guests of the staff office; Ensure that any harmed activists are taken care of; Ensure the compensation move sheet is in concurrence with the participation list; Check the letter drop of the staff office; Forward and present any accessible resumes and application sends to the fundamental workplaces; Follow up on the new representatives of the association; Schedule interviews for any new representatives lastly sign out the representatives after work. For the most part, a staff assistant is significant in all associations since all associations have representatives that should be overseen but then the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Community Service Essay Topics Is So Effective
Why Community Service Essay Topics Is So EffectiveCommunity service is an ideal choice for essay topics. It gives you a chance to put your personality and knowledge of the subject before the reader. This does not only have academic benefits, but also acts as a great first impression for people who have come across your essays in many other ways.Community service essay topics are often chosen by those who have found their jobs with a government agency. These types of positions can be challenging, but the challenge becomes more tolerable if the person understands the importance of the work. Because of this, the community service position has become a way to create another revenue stream for the government. In addition, the salary for the position can sometimes be very generous.Most service careers have been around for several decades. They represent many industries that have always had trouble finding employment. The job itself is both challenging and rewarding. Often, the people that find the community service positions do so because they want to help others with the same passion that they have for their industry.In most service careers, there is no 'career ladder' that can be followed in order to move up the ladder. While there may be a certain prestige involved in working at this level, there is usually little monetary reward. There are other service careers that provide more substantial rewards and can even be considered a vocation rather than a job.The majority of these other careers involve working with organizations that are directly benefiting from the talents of those who work within the organization or those people's good intentions. It can be difficult to find people who are passionate about doing what they do. Since so many people have a hard time expressing themselves, it is essential to find ways to get the people who are passionate about what they do to voice their ideas.Community service offers such a platform for this. People with these types of positions are often individuals that have already gained a passion for service through working in the organization. When these people express their ideas, they usually are not worried about being overlooked. In fact, they are usually rewarded greatly for their efforts.Since so many people enjoy writing about their passions, these types of essay topics are an excellent choice. The essays have great appeal to those who read them because of the way that they express someone's true personality. Additionally, they are often a great way to introduce someone to the skills of writing. With the same passion that they have for what they do, people who have an opportunity to express it through their work are more apt to do so.The best thing about essay topics like these is that they do not have to be written for a specific purpose. They can be written by anyone and can include anything that the person has a passion for. They can also be written on topics that might be not necessarily related t o the career, but that still are important to the person. No matter what topic the person chooses to write on, they are able to express their feelings and show their personality.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Definition and Examples of Pseudowords
A pseudoword is a fake wordâ€â€that is, a string of letters that resembles a real word (in terms of its orthographic and phonological structure) but doesnt actually exist in the language. Also known as jibberwacky or a wug word. Some examples of monosyllabic pseudowords in English are heth, lan, nep, rop, sark, shep, spet, stip, toin, and vun. In the study of language acquisition and language disorders, experiments involving the repetition of pseudowords have been used to predict literacy achievement later in life. See Examples and Observations below. Also, see: Ghost WordLiteracyMountweazelNeologismNonce WordNonsense WordStunt Word Examples and Observations Pseudowords are letter strings which have no meaning, but which are pronounceable because they conform to the orthography of the languageâ€â€as opposed to nonwords, which are not pronounceable and have no meaning.(Hartmut Gunther, The Role of Meaning and Linearity in Reading. Writing in Focus, ed. by Florian Coulmas and Konrad Ehlich. Walter de Gruyter, 1983)Pseudowords and Phonological Processing SkillsIn an alphabetic language such as English, the best measure of phonological processing skill is the reading of pseudowords; that is, pronounceable combinations of letters that can be read by the application of grapheme-phoneme conversion rules, but they are, by definition, not real words in English. Examples include pseudowords such as shum, laip, and cigbet. Pseudowords can be read by application of grapheme-phoneme conversion rules even though the words are not real and have not been encountered in print or in spoken language. Although it has been argued that pseudowords may be read by analogy to words, some awareness of grapheme-phoneme conversion rules and segmentation skills are necessary to read a pseudoword correctly. For example, for a correct reading of the pseudoword dake, it must be segmented into an initial letter d and a rime or word body ake; the latter could be read by analogy to cake, but the sound of d and the segmentation itself are, in fact, phonological processing skills.(Linda S. Siegel, Phonological Processing Deficits and Reading Disabilities. Word Recognition in Beginning Literacy, ed. by Jamie L. Metsala and Linnea C. Ehri. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998)Pseudowords and Brain ActivityIn some studies no differences in brain activation for real words and pseudowords are observed (Bookheimer et al. 1995), indicating that the tasks activate brain regions for orthographic and phonological but not semantic coding. . . . Presenting the same pseudoword repeatedly so that it is no longer an unfamiliar word reduces activity in right lingual gyrus, sug gesting that that structure plays a role in learning to recognize familiar words (Frith et al. 1995).(Virginia Wise Berninger and Todd L. Richards, Brain Literacy for Educators and Psychologists. Elsevier Science, 2002) Alternate Spellings: pseudo word, pseudo-word
Friday, May 15, 2020
Mill and Kant Utilitarian Morality - 1056 Words
1. In his discussion of the first formulation of the categorical imperative (Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law) Kant draws a distinction between perfect and imperfect duties. Introduce this formulation of the categorical imperative and discuss how we should make the distinction between perfect and imperfect duties. This formulation introduces the concept of doing something for the right reason not for an ulterior motive. The character of the motive is what dictates the adherence to the imperative. This is possible with autonomy, the decision to act according to moral duty without outside influence. â€Å"If the action would be good solely as a means to something else it is hypothetical. If the action is represented as good in itself and therefore as necessary for a will which of itself accords with reason, then the imperative is categorical†. Kant To distinguish between perfect an imperfect duties. Try to universalize the maxim that is about to be acted. Would you want this maxim to be acted upon your person? By universalizing, you can test whether, your needs are being privileged over the needs of others. 2. At the start of section two of the Grounding, Kant addresses a potential criticism from a group he calls ‘self-love moralists.’ Present this criticism in your own words. How does Kant respond to this criticism? The self-love argument is that all actions are for self. That no act is performedShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical Argument For Veganism1685 Words  | 7 Pages This essay analyzes the ethical argument for veganism through the lens of philosophy using Utilitarianism defined by John Stuart Mill, and Deontological ethics according to Immanuel Kant. Through the use of these theories, I will justify the moral worth and legitimacy of the animal welfare debate that is often used to promote a cruelty-free and vegan lifestyle by analyzing questions of animal sentience, the worth of an animal’s happiness, and the right humanity supposedly has to the lives of otherRead MoreThe Long Standing Debate On Ethics1253 Words  | 6 Pagestheir own theories in determining whether an action is good or bad. John Stuart Mill focuses on a utilitarian perspective and utilizes the idea of consequentialism and on the other hand, Immanuel Kant avoids the consequentialist argument and supports a deontological perspective in analyzing morality and ethics. Both arguments, valid as they may be, strongly contradict one another, mostly on the basis that Kant and Mill look at very different parts of the equation. Both thinkers appeal to a sense ofRead MoreThe Moral Theory Of Utilitarianism1725 Words  | 7 Pagesproblems with utilitarian thoughts are revealed. It has been widely debated by many philosophers, including G.E. Moore and Immanuel Kant. Like these two philosophers, I argue that utilitarianism is inadequate because of its contradictory nature as a moral theory. It highlights the principle of utility in seeking the greatest pleasure, allowing egotistic and hedonistic actions to be considered moral. John Stuart Mill, born in 1806 in London, is one of the most infamous utilitarians in history. HeRead MoreThe Moral Dispute Of John Stuart Mill And Immanuel Kant1500 Words  | 6 Pagestheory and argument will be explored further in this review along with the works of some of his successors. The Moral Dispute John Stuart Mill vs Immanuel Kant Philosopher John Stuart Mill’s theory highlights utilitarianism and Kantian theory would be the total opposite. Mill’s position links happiness with morality and focused solely on the outcomes of an action. Philosopher John Kant’s theory emphasizes the importance of rationality, reliability, and neutrality with highlightsRead MoreEssay on The Golden Rule in Kant and Mills Ethical Theories1320 Words  | 6 Pagespurpose. The two most important philosophers that deal with ethics are Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. Kant’s ethical theory is Kantianism or deontological ethics. Mill’s ethical theory is utilitarianism. Both philosophers’ theories have many differences; Kant’s theory deals with conduct, seeking reason for good action in duty. Mill’s theory deals with consequences and maximizing human happiness. However both Kant and Mill’s ethics relate to the important biblical principal of the Golden RuleRead MoreEthics and Morality Essay1347 Words  | 6 PagesEthics and Morality Is it immoral for a person to write lies on his/her resume? This question poses many questions in its self. How fictitious is the lie, what are you lying about, what could be the consequences of this lie and whom and how will this lie affect the people involved? How would John Stuart Mill answer this question? Mills general position seem to be that one should do what will produce the most happiness, pleasure and with the absence of pain. With this in mind for one toRead MoreDr. Ethos, The Chief Resident Of A Hospital1591 Words  | 7 Pagespatients. The question is, what would Dr. Ethos do, if he were Utilitarian (Act vs. Rule)? What would Dr. Ethos do, if he were a Deontologist (Kantian)? Utilitarianism John S. Mill describes Utilitarianism, also known as â€Å"The greatest happiness principle†, as a philosophical theory of morality. This theory focuses on the end result, rather than the motive behind it, which makes it a consequential theory. It argues that the morality of the action is solely dependent on the action’s results. TheRead MoreUtilitarianism And Immanuel Kant1213 Words  | 5 Pageswill give him the best outcome. The categorical imperative rule of Kant seems to suggest that actions must be universal for them to be classified as either moral or immoral. John Stuart Mill also strongly contributed to the development of philosophical views that have continued to influence different aspects in a variety of different disciplines. Among his many developments is the utilitarianism theory that explains morality. Mill argues that the usefulness or moral worth of an action is determinedRead MoreUtilitarian Theory Of Moral Status1189 Words  | 5 PagesIn this paper, I intend to show that utilitarian theory of moral status is much more preferable than deontological approach. I will demonstrate this idea by using by using the concept of moral laws by Immanuel Kant and John Mill along with Peter Singer’s Speciesism and Moral Status. Moral status is a term that deals with who and what is more valuable, or have higher quality, in which they should be treated specially; and both deontological and utilitarian aspect of moral status is different fromRead MoreUtilitarianism : The Greatest Happiness Principle1176 Words  | 5 PagesUtilitarianism John S. Mill describes utilitarianism, also known as â€Å"The greatest happiness principle†, as a philosophical theory of morality. This theory is focused on the end result (a consequential theory) rather than the motive behind it. It argues that the morality of the action is solely dependent on the action’s results. The action is morally ethical as long as it produces the greatest happiness for the majority of people involved. Mill mentions, â€Å"†¦ the greatest happiness principle holds
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Just Mercy Essays Juveniles Being Tried As Adults
In Contrast to Bryan Stevenson’s â€Å"Just Mercy†stories of juveniles being tried as adults, Jason Zeidenberg in the article â€Å"The Risks Juveniles Face When They Are Incarcerated with Adults†strongly emphasizes the dangers and consequences that juveniles face when they are tried as adults. Zeidenberg states the consequences of juveniles being raped, assaulted, committing suicide and the effects of being victimized. Children who are housed in the same facility as Adults is not a good idea nor a good mix, according to Zeidenberg a â€Å"15-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in Ohio by a deputy after she was placed in an adult jail for a minor in fraction.†â€Å"In Kentucky, a 15-year-old boy was placed in a jail cell following an argument with his†¦show more content†¦Not one person, was created to be perfect beings, but children are pure and innocent and their mental and critical thinking skills are not fully developed and strong enough to handle adult prisons. On the other hand, children are most likely to vividly remember delinquent actions they performed whether it was done intentionally in a â€Å"heat of the moment†action such as Charlie’s case in Bryan Stevenson’s â€Å"Just Mercy†or unintentionally due to peer-pressure or self-protection in most juveniles’ case. Moreover, the justice system is hypocritical to their own children, â€Å"Protect the young†but places the young in harm’s way. Children in adult prisons are prone to rape, suicide and assault than in juvenile detention centers according to studies on juvenile suicide in adult institutions and youth facilities in the1980’s. The studies indicated that â€Å"the suicide rate of juveniles in adult jails is 7.7 times more likely than of juvenile detention centers. In 1989, five times as many youth held in adult prisons answered yes to the question has anyone attempted to sexually attack or rape you than those held in juvenile institutions while about 10% of the youth interviewed reported a sexual attack, or rape attempt.(Zeidenberg).Another factor of why children should not be tried as adults is that youths are easily victimized and beaten up by inmates and most likely staff, they are also for exampleShow MoreRelatedThe Epidemic Of Mass Incarceration Essay1880 Words  | 8 Pagessuch as the collapse of family structures, damage to mental, physical, and communal health, amongst other lasting impacts. Despite the commonalities, each artist takes on a different perspective on the issue and presents it in a different light. Essay A MK Asante, in his book Buck: The Memoir, highlights the devastation of mass incarceration on the family structure and on individuals, particularly young individuals, who are incarcerated. Asante utilizes an informal tone and jargon the way in whichRead MoreRace in Down These Mean Streets Essay3202 Words  | 13 Pagessuch as West Side Story make East Harlem an exciting and mysterious place. But hidden under the dirty faces of the children is the struggle in the search for acceptance and belong, as painfully narrated by Thomas in Down These Mean Streets. In this essay I will analyze how racial identity is constructed through his story and the relationship between racism and social problems such as gangs and crime in a place like East Harlem. Piri Thomas’ parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico during the 1920sRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages...................................................................................................................... 67 CHAPTER 3 Writing with the Appropriate Precision .............................................................. 88 Being Ambiguous................................................................................................................................. 89 Context and Background Knowledge .......................................................................Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesadvised a young colleague, â€Å"If your students aren’t learning, you’re not teachingâ€â€you’re just talking!†Here’s what some authorities on higher education have to say about how effective teachers foster learning: â€Å"All genuine learning is active, not passive. It is a process of discovery in which the student is the main agent, not the teacher.†(Adler, 1982) â€Å"Learning is not a spectator sport. Students do not learn much just by sitting in a class listening to teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments,
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Social Security Act free essay sample
The Social Security Act of 1935, signed by Franklin D. Roosevelt, created a program that included social insurance programs, as well as public assistance. Both programs came about due to the depression and were created as part of the New Deal to benefit the citizens who needed assistance. While both programs were created to assist the public, each program had different eligibility requirements and accomplished different tasks. Social insurance programs were designed to provide continuing income to citizens over 65 after retirement, health benefits and provide benefits for the unemployed, survivors and disabled. Social insurance programs are non-means tested, work based and incorporate a large number of people while public assistance programs are small scale and means tested (Nelson Reid, personal communication, November 2010). Social insurance is composed of four components Old-Age and Survivor Insurance (OSAI), Federal Disability Insurance (DI), Federal Hospital Insurance (HI), and Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI). â€Å"The HI and SMI programs make up what is known as Medicare†(D. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Security Act or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eitzen G. Sage, 2007). According to Eitzen and Sage, disability benefits were added in 1954 and provided benefits to the disabled and their dependents. The opposition to social insurance comes from a conservative point of view. Conservatives do not like the idea of the federal government serving as a â€Å"broker†. Conservatives feel that the government has no business in the planning of retirement (D. Eitzen G. Sage, 2007). Conservatives want privatization of social security and the government to refrain from taking money out of their checks. In contrast, public assistance programs were created to assist Americans who meet a certain financial eligibility standards. According to the text, there are three major public assistance programs including Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Security Income, and General Assistance (J. Marx, 2004). TANF, formerly known as, Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was created in 1936, as a program to provide cash assistance to low- income families with children under sixteen. In the 1960’s the ADC ballooned into Aid to Dependent Families and Children allowing the stipend to increase to involve the caregiver. The Families used ADFC income to pay for expenses such as rent, utilities, food and other needs (hhs. state. ne. us,2009). ADFC discouraged marriage, pursuing a job which created a dependency on the program. By 1996, TANF was created to replace ADFC and created caps on the system. TANF is public assistance that requires participants to maintain a job and they can only receive benefits for a total of five years. People who qualify for TANF fall under the public’s eye as having a worthiness problem (N. Reid, personal communication, November, 2010). People tend to judge recipients of TANF creating harsh criticism about the program. Another program was Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program it was established to provide a minimum income for the disabled, blind and older Americans. This program works to help recipients with vocational skills therefore they can seek work opportunities. This is one of the least criticized programs by the public because the recipients are physically â€Å"worthy†of their benefits (J. Marx, 2004). The last major public assistance program is General Assistance which is a program that provides help for people who do not qualify for other areas of federal assistance. Each state has their own requirements for eligibility for general assistance services. This program is used as a â€Å"safety net†to help the people who are in need (J. Marx, 2004). Social Security is seen as one of the most successful government program in American history (D. Eitzen G. Sage, 2007) Major differences between social insurance and public assistance is the eligibility and public criticisms. Social insurance program eligibility is defined by recipients’ statute while, public assistance programs are based on financial eligibility requirements. The public also judges people who are receiving public assistance on their worthiness while people who receive social insurance benefits seem to have public support for increasing their benefits.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Procter and Gamble Culture and Diversity in Decision Making
A Brief Description of the Organization Procter and Gamble is a consumer goods corporation in America. It produces pet food, personal care products, as well as cleaning agents. Procter and Gamble are known for producing foods and beverages, but the latter sold that production line to Kellogg Company. It has received many ratings including being the fifth most admired company in the world. It is known for the best leadership development in the United States of America.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Procter and Gamble: Culture and Diversity in Decision Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Culture of Procter and Gamble The culture of a company establishes its success or failure. Scholars have defined organizational culture as the behavior of persons that are associated with a given organization. It also includes the meaning that individuals in an organization attach to their dealings. Flamholtz and Randle (2011) avow that, organizational culture incorporates norms, values, vision, beliefs, working language and habits. Organizational culture impinges on the way people and groups interrelate internally with customers and stakeholders. Procter and Gamble is an organization that believes in upholding culture for success in business. The company has diversified across the world at an alarming rate. Ever day, Procter and Gamble continue to expand in diversified fields. This makes it vital for the organization to have a unifying way of doing things. Organizational culture is key to providing uniformity in any organization (Flamholtz Randle, 2011). The organization believes in innovativeness, aggressiveness, teamwork, risk-taking, and people orientation. Ways in Which Procter and Gamble Shows This Culture Aggressiveness Aggressiveness is a key dimension in Procter and Gamble. Aggressiveness is the degree to which employees are insistent and competitive in an organization rather than coopera tive (Martin Frost, 2011). Procter uses aggressiveness in taking over companies that are fleeing out of business and then advertising them under their name brand. All the eleven managers of Procter insist on aggressiveness on employees’ part to ensure success in business. Aggressiveness ensures the smooth running of operations in an organization where workers are self-motivated other than being dragged along by the leaders. Consequently, aggressiveness guarantees high levels of production. This is because time is well managed since nobody needs to be told what to do and when. Every person in an organization that upholds aggressiveness sees the success of the company as their success, hence motivation. People Orientation People orientation is a scale to which executive decisions take into consideration the organizations impacts on people (Flamholtz Randle, 2011). Procter’s apprehension on people orientation culture is illustrated in that; managers emphasize that peopl e are the firm’s biggest assets.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To design a means for workers to bond, the organization would put up celebrations for the employees. Events of this nature allow employees to build associations with each other outside the work setting. The company holds on to the belief that people can do amazingly great things if given an opportunity. In all the companies under Procter Gamble, employees are seen as the source of success that each organization can achieve. Innovativeness Procter Gamble is both an innovative and peril captivating organization. Managers in this company inspire employees to be innovative and creative rather than just wait to follow orders from their leaders. This motivates employees to contribute towards production in the company as well as increase the overall efficiency of the company. As a result, employees in this o rganization become more competitive due to the freshness and creativity of the operations they undertake (Martin Frost, 2011). Risk Taking Procter Gamble is an entrepreneurial organization. The business management consists of eleven members, who are entrepreneurs in their way. This enables the organization to venture into opportunities that very few businesses would risk operating. Among the characteristics of entrepreneurial business is the capacity to take risks. Employees across organizations operating under and with Procter Gamble are expected to be risk takers. This is because of the organization ventures in new business every day. Additionally, novelty and risk-taking are aspects that go together (Martin Frost, 2011). Suitable Leader and Response to Decline in Demand The best leader for Procter Gamble is a person who possesses a democratic leadership style. This is because the company is an organization that has a strong belief in people’s ability. Therefore, it re quires a leader who can justly receive other people’s contributions concerning any development in the organization as well as put significance in what other members of the organization have to say. According to Dereli (2010), democratic leaders persuade economic development through the creation of new firms, which profit economic development by generating unrelenting productivity augments through innovation-driven growth in advanced economies. In case of a decrease in the demand of product(s) or services supplied by Procter Gamble, innovativeness is the change in its culture that would require being carried out in reaction to this condition. Also, the innovative nature of Procter Gamble Company demands that managers have some sense of democracy when it comes to leadership.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Procter and Gamble: Culture and Diversity in Decision Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Refer ences Dereli, M. (2010). Leadership Styles A Survey Research of Leadership Styles of Elementary School Principals. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. Flamholtz, E. Randle, Y. (2011). Corporate culture the ultimate strategic asset. Stanford, Calif: Stanford Business Books. Martin, J., Frost, P. (2011). The organizational culture war games. Sociology of Organizations: Structures and Relationships, 1(1), 315. This report on Procter and Gamble: Culture and Diversity in Decision Making was written and submitted by user Cam1la to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
mexicos new leader essays
mexicos new leader essays As a new president prepares to take power in Mexico, the biggest economic news is what's not happening. The peso is not plummeting, investors are not panicking, and people are not suddenly paying more for their tortillas or televisions. Given recent history, this is a small miracle: every presidential transition in the last two decades has been scarred by an economic crisis. Instead of fears, there are great hopes, all raised by the next president, Vicente Fox Quesada. Mr. Fox now must institutionalize the stability he has inherited. He has pledged sweeping tax and fiscal reforms, annual economic growth rates of up to 7 percent, millions of new jobs, a stable economic architecture for foreign capital, private investment in the state-run oil industry and competition in telecommunications. He also promises budget austerity, increased social spending, the rise of the rule of law, and an end to ingrained political corruption. Mexico is still very much a developing nation. Reliable electric power and potable water are sometimes hard to find. In the capital, one of the world's most populous and polluted cities, the elite live behind barricades, protected from the impoverished by armed guards. Middle-class Mexicans have less buying power than they did 20 years ago, and some of the biggest banks are shaky from a legacy of bad loans. Many small businesses are threatened by imports, credit is difficult to obtain, and millions of people scrape by on less than $2 a day. The departing president, Ernesto Zedillo, never addressed the huge structural problems of the state-run energy industries, which are inefficient and suppress competition, or of the justice system, which cannot control crime - a serious worry for foreign companies considering operations here even if they are optimistic about Mr. Fox. "He's going to have his hands full," said Peter E. Weber, vice president of Latin American operations for the FMC Corporation, a Chicago- base...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Module Title- Online Journalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Module Title- Online Journalism - Essay Example 1996; Al Jazeera Sports, a popular Arabic-language sports channel launched in 2003; Al Jazeera Mobasher, also known as Al Jazeera Live, a live politics and public interest channel which broadcasts conferences in real time without editing or commentary, launched in 2005; Al Jazeera Childrens Channel, also known as JCC, a childrens interest channel launched in 2005; Al Jazeera English, a global English-language 24-hour news channel launched in 2006; and Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, an Arabic language documentary channel launched in 2007 (Wiki-Al Jazeera, 2008). Al Jazeera English is the 24-hour English-language news and current affairs channel of the Al Jazeera media group. It is the first global English language news channel that is headquartered in the Middle East, which the group believes is a unique position that will shape its destiny of becoming the English-language channel of reference for Middle Eastern events. With reference to Al Jazeera Arabic, its mother company and the historically significant broadcast of Osama bin Laden’s statements after September 11, 2001, Al Jazeera English aims to give voice to untold stories, promote debate, and challenge established perceptions. (Corp Profile, 2008). The internet website of Al Jazeera English is located at This paper critically reviews the Al Jazeera English website in terms of content, design, functionality and navigation, as well as proposes technical and journalistic improvements to the site and its contents. Like most news websites, Al Jazeera English presents its headline news on its front page. But being an Islam-oriented site, the headline news consists of Islamic country/people-related news items. Also on the front page are quick links to world news; sports; programmes; focus features, analysis and comments; Al Jazeera English TV schedule; and featured videos. The front page also contains quick links to jobs with Al Jazeera, emails related to published articles, a
Friday, February 7, 2020
Analysis of Robotic Technology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analysis of Robotic Technology - Research Paper Example However, it is seen that a broad and strict quantitative study for Robot Technology has not been carried out in the past. The basic objective of this paper is to prove the positive or negative impacts of Robot Technology on young students that are studying in different schools. The sample of the research not only contains students studying at different schools but also their teachers and parents. The data are collected using both primary and secondary tools, and results are derived using t-tests to compare means of responses collected from different schools. Performance related, dependent variables are selected, and the use of Robot Technology is taken as an independent variable. The impact of each variable is checked independently, and the results are based on the values of the t-tests. The result of this research indicated that Robot technology had a positive effect on the studies of young students, and their grades showed improvement from the past. The results also show that the m echanism used to assess the result of the study was valid, which conforms to the findings of Barker and Ansorge who studied a similar research topic in 2007. A Roadmap for US Robotics: From Internet to Robotics, vol. 21, 2009. Georgia Institute of Technology. Abstract A program by the name Robot Diaries was carried to determine how technology influences the learning of middle school girls. This study is quite relevant to the topic of discussion because it draws on the topic of this report. The robot diaries project was designed to research on the interactions between children and electronic devices that are integrated during their learning processes. Robotics is considered as a vital pipeline for literacy based on technology because of its ability to pull in and inspire students who are often not in accord with the conventional classroom curricula. Apart from the Robot diaries project, other human-robot interactions (HRI) have been carried based on well researched and vigorous scrutiny of developments in the technology field. Vesgos (2008) notes that robots have been successful in setting a common ground in project-based foreign language teaching of children and students, as compared to conventional media (Barker & Ansorge 345). This has been proved by the robotic technologies that have been developed in South Korea that backed by its development in information technology, has in place the world’s electronic learning robot that can be used at home by students and other users. Â
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Native Americans in the United States and African Americans Essay Example for Free
Native Americans in the United States and African Americans Essay Introduction Joel Spring’s Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality examines the educational policies in the United States that have resulted in intentional patterns of oppression by Protestant, European Americans against racial and ethnic groups. The historical context of the European American oppressor is helpful in understanding how the dominant group has manipulated the minority groups. These minority groups include Americans who are Native, African, Latin/Hispanic, and Asian. Techniques for deculturalization were applied in attempts to erase the oppressed groups’ previous identities and to assimilate them into society at a level where they could be of use to the oppressors. Techniques include isolation from family, replacement of language, denial of education, inclusion of dominant group world view, and provision of inferior teachers and poor facilities. Relationships between educational policy and instances of racism and patterns of oppression are explored in the following. A section will also compare my prior education to the one presented in Spring’s book. Formatting Understanding how European Americans have been able to perceive themselves as superior in psychological, spiritual, racial, and cultural terms is integral to seeing how cultural genocide has occurred in the United States. The basic program is taken from the Roman Imperium which delegates the authority to civilize others by erasing their laws and culture and simultaneously or subsequently installing new laws and mores from the dominant group into the minority group. This plan has been applied by U. S. educators and politicians in an attempt to carry out a perceived upgrade from an inferior cultural program to the superior Anglo-Saxon mixed with Protestantism point of view. This civilized versus uncivilized and Christian versus Pagan viewpoints reveal themselves throughout the history of U. S. education. Native Americans In the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, Native Americans were granted citizenship by the descendants of European immigrants who invaded their territory over 400 years ago. In the years before and after 1924, Native Americans have experienced cultural genocide, deculturalization, and denial of education (Spring, 2010, pp. 8-9). For example, the Naturalization Act of 1790 excluded Native Americans from citizenship, thus preventing them from having a political voice in their rapidly changing world. In 1867, the Indian Peace Commission made 2 requirements for U. S. citizenship: 1) rejection of native religions and 2) acceptance of middle-class American Christianity. The bases of a philosophy that uses superiority and inferiority include racial, linguistic and cultural differences. For European American educators, the â€Å"civilizing†of Native Americans included the installing of a work ethic, the creation of desire to accumulate property; the repression of pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure; the establishment of a nuclear family structure with the father in control; the implementation of authoritarian child-rearing practices; and conversion to Christianity (p. 14). The U. S. government’s program of Native American deculturalization was developed in part because it was less costly than fighting and killing them. Thomas Jefferson’s civilization program called for government agents to establish schools to teach women to spin and sew and men farming and husbandry (p. 18). Educational policies such as this set the stage for purchasing land and avoiding costly wars. In 1830, the Indian Removal Act authorized the President to set aside lands west of the Mississippi for exchange of Indian Land east of the Mississippi (p. 28). Cultural-ecological theory puts Native Americans in the category of involuntary minorities. They were conquered and forced into European American customs and beliefs. Replacing the use of native languages with English, destroying Indian customs and teaching allegiance to the U. S. government became major educational policies of the U. S. government toward Indians in the latter part of the 19th century. An important part of these educational policies was the boarding school designed to remove children from their families at an early age and thereby isolate them from the language and customs of their parents and tribes (p. 32). The Carlisle Indian School in Carlisle, PA became the first boarding school for Native American children in 1879. Here deculturalization methods were employed. From this methodology and perspective, the patronizing term cultural deprivation has come to imply that a group is without culture altogether (Nieto and Bode, 2008, p. 176). One of the perceived deficiencies of Native Americans was their propensity to share which caused the European Americans to label them as socialists which was anathema to the dominant group’s philosophy. Richard Pratt, the founder of the Carlisle School, sought to instill individualism and self responsibility in order to break Indians from a socialist style of sharing. All boarding and reservation schools taught in English with exceptions including some Choctaw and Cherokee schools that utilized bilingual education. In 1928, the Meriam Report reversed the philosophy that isolation of children was required. The new view was that education should occur in one’s family and community. Several decades later, from 1968 to 1990, a number of legislative acts addressed the mistakes of deculturalization. It was not until 1974 that Indian students were granted freedom of religion and culture by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Later, in 1978, Congress granted all Native Americans religious freedom. The Native American Languages Act of 1990 commits the U. S. government to reverse its historic position which was to erase and replace Native American culture. However, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 reverses attempts to preserve usage of minority languages (Spring, 2010, p. 135). The destruction of cultural self determination for Native American Indians is saddening. By breaking their connection to their native culture through reeducation camps, European Americans justified a world view that saw color of skin and dogma as beacons of superiority. African Americans. Historically, Africans have been involuntary immigrants who were brought to the U. S. to be slaves. They have faced numerous forms of educational oppression based upon perceived racial differences. For example, from 1800 to 1835, education of enslaved Africans was banned. Spring notes that plantation owners were in constant fear of slave revolts and consequently denied their workers any form of education (p. 43). Furthermore, because of the need for children as farm laborers, planters resisted most attempts to expand educational opportunities for black children (p. 57). Schools for African Americans were underfunded after the Civil War (Nieto and Bode, 2008, p. 44). Segregation of blacks and whites was the order of the day for most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This resulted in a racial divide, unequal school funding, and inferior facilities. An exception to segregated schooling occurred in 1855 in Massachusetts when it became a requirement to integrate schools. In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment included a clause that appeared to disallow segregation. However this clause has been used to implement segregation in schools also. African Americans from northern states helped those in the transition from slavery to freedom. However there was a division between the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. Washington negotiated for segregated schools while Du Bois, in 1909, formed the National Association of Colored People (NAACP) which worked for desegregation (Spring, 2010, p. 52). Washington established the Tuskegee Institute in 1881 after attending the Hampton Institute which was founded by General Samuel Armstrong. The Hampton Institute was an educational model designed to keep blacks subordinate. The primary purpose of the Tuskegee Institute was to prepare freed slaves to be teachers who could instill work values in other freed slaves (p. 33). The Tuskegee Institute received support from Industrialist Andrew Carnegie who saw the apartheid model in South Africa as a format for educating black southerners. Conversely, Du Bois and the NAACP fought against the status quo of a permanent African American underclass in education and the economy (p. 62). It was not until 1954 that the Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education. The court ruled that separate but equal has no place in education. The separate but equal legislation was from the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. Title 6 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, established the precedent for using disbursement of government money as a means of controlling educational policies (p. 117). Additionally, much credit is given to Martin Luther King Jr. for helping move forward civil rights legislation of 1964. The Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act, in the 1950s and 1960s respectively, gave African Americans political equality as well as the right to vote. African Americans have made significant gains in the past 100 years; however, the pace of change has been painfully slow. The election of a part African American President is a strong indication that we as a country have come a long way. Hispanic/Latino Americans After the conquest of Mexican and Puerto Rican lands, the U. S. government instituted deculturalization programs to ensure that these new populations would not rise up against their new government (p. 84). As with other groups, the Naturalization Act of 1790 blocked them from attaining citizenship because they were not white. Despite the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1948, Mexican Americans were not given actual citizenship. Citizenship rights were abridged throughout the Southwest through limitations placed on voting rights and segregation in public accommodations and schooling (p. 89). Moreover, in many instances, U. S. farmers did not want the children of Mexicans to go to school, because they wanted them to work longer hours. Mexican students were forced to speak English in schools. In the last half of the nineteenth century, Mexican Americans tried to escape the anti-Mexican attitudes by attending Catholic schools. Here linguistic diversity was respected. Puerto Rico became a colony of the United States in 1898. Again, as with Native American Indians, government policy concluded that it was less costly to instill and replace culture in Puerto Rican schools than it was to employ force with the military. Teachers who only spoke English came from the U. S. to teach students who mainly spoke Spanish. U. S. educational policy in Puerto Rico attempted to replace Spanish with English as the majority language and to introduce children to the dominant U. S. culture (p. 100). Examples of deculturalization methods included U. S. flag ceremonies and studies focusing on the traditions of the dominant white culture of the United States. In 1912, the Puerto Rican Teachers Association resisted the educational policies of the U. S. and defended the use of Spanish in school. One’s native language is the foundation for future learning (Nieto and Bode, 2008, p. 235). In 1951, after 50 years of struggle, Puerto Rico became a commonwealth. Subsequently, Spanish was once again used in the schools without the dogma of English only laws. Additionally, in 1968, the Bilingual Education Act was passed. It was not until 1974 that the Equal Educational Opportunities Act gave protection to the language rights of students for whom English is not their native language (p. 243). Presently, there are many voluntary immigrants from Latin America. These students are often faced with an assimilation policy which is aimed at Americanizing them. Frequently hybridity is the order of the day for these students. Only blind arrogance could make a dominant group believe that they could go to an island of Spanish-speaking people and teach them a new culture in a new language. As with other groups, the denial of schooling or segregation was maintained in order to continue subordinating the minority. Asian Americans Asian Americans, many of whom were voluntary immigrants, include persons from China, Philippines, Japan, Korea, India, Viet Nam, Laos, Thailand and other counties. The combination of racism and economic exploitation resulted in educational policies designed to deny Asians schooling or to provide segregated schools (Spring, 2010, p. 68). In 1872 the California school code provided no public education for Asian Americans while in 1906, the San Francisco School Board created segregated schools for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students. Finally, in 1974, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Chinese American parents in Lau v. Nichols. The decision required public schools to provide special assistance to non-English-speaking students to learn English so that they could equally participate in the educational process (p. 124). Each group of minority Americans has pushed for improvements in the educational system. By persevering, they have been able to move toward a more equitable educational system. However, there is still the dominant European American paradigm in place. As the percentage of minority Americans rises in the coming decades, I believe we will see a movement toward a more multicultural paradigm. Personal Comparisons My early education took place in an environment of white teachers and students. The furthest my exposure to different cultures went was going to school and growing up with my Catholic and Jewish neighbors. My elementary school and middle school were 100% white and my high school had 2 Hispanic students. For me, this was normal; I knew little of other cultures. When I reflect on my American History and Social Studies classes, I recall a sanitized story presented with many stories about honorable white men. Although I finished my high school education in 1977, I do not believe that Martin Luther King Jr. or Civil Rights was mentioned once. Moreover, a great deal of social upheaval obviously was occurring; however, the only topic related to the turmoil of the era that made it to my awareness was the war in Viet Nam. After high school, I attended a small private college in Pennsylvania where approximately 30 African Americans and 10 Hispanic students attended. I was acquainted with one of the Hispanic students who had a poster of Che Guevara in his room. All of my professors were apparently European Americans and I continued to study mostly dominant culture stories. Recognizing my own lack of personal direction, I dropped out of school and entered into my own version of home schooling. I purchased a bus ticket for Tucson, Arizona; however, I first stopped in Washington D. C. to visit my Aunt. She took me to a book store where I bought some philosophy books. I explored different philosophies and literature. I travelled, worked, read and explored my values and beliefs. I returned to my home town, Lancaster, PA, and decided to return to formal University life at Millersville State University. From 1984-1987, I again had European American professors. In 1991, I reentered Millersville University to take some graduate courses. I looked into getting a graduate assistantship and found an opening in a program called Upward Bound. I interviewed with the director, whom I knew from earlier years, and with a Filipino and African American student. I got the position and subsequently was working in a multicultural enterprise. I prepared lessons for high school children from multiple ethnic groups. The reason Spring’s history of minority Americans was not part of my education was because I was raised in a racially homogenous region. I think that I could have driven east 20 miles, south 15 miles or north 5 miles and everybody would have been white. Going west 2 miles would take me into the middle of Lancaster city where many African Americans and Puerto Rican Americans live. However, I lived a provincial life and did not interact much with people from other cultures in my youth. Furthermore, it was standard policy at that time to teach from a Eurocentric point of views. The effect on White Americans of an Anglocentric and Eurocentric perspective, which does not include minority Americans, is an incomplete and inaccurate understanding of self and world. The effects on minority Americans also leads to an incomplete and inaccurate understanding of self and world include, as well as increased dropout rates and resistance to education. Additionally, cultural discontinuities may contribute to negative academic outcomes (Nieto and Bode, 2008, pp 181-182). Another effect on minority Americans is clearly a net feeling of not being included in the past and possibly being excluded from present and future events. Exclusion’s result is well described in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. In this book, the narrator is unable to be seen or recognized because he is black. From Spring’s book I learned about the many minority groups that were mistreated and intentionally harmed at personal and cultural levels. Furthermore, I was ignorant about the attempts at deculturalization of Puerto Ricans. Additionally, I knew little about the detailed history of denying education to Asian and Mexican Americans. While I knew about reeducation and denial of education of Native and African Americans, I did not know the extent to which political, economic, and social forces combined to prevent these groups from experiencing their historical culture or from participating in the dominant, European American culture. Conclusion European Americans have quashed cultures in the United States through education. Native American, African, Hispanic, and Asian minorities have witnessed a persistent attack on their beliefs, values, and languages by those who either 1) thought that they were better or 2) wanted to deprive others of their pursuit of happiness in order to support economic and political position. Consistent deculturalization efforts were made toward Native Americans by government agents establishing schools for Native Americans and by boarding schools. By controlling the content and context in which education took place, U. S. educators suffocated Native American Culture and resuscitated it with the European mores. The multiple cultures of Americans from African descent were hollowed through denial of education, physical intimidation, segregation, and inferior facilities. Persistent attempts to correct the status quo by the NAACP, Martin Luther King Jr. , and several other organizations and individuals have moved the U. S. government to redress some inequities in the educational system. Mexican Americans were also placed in English-only schools or no school at all. During the twentieth century, Puerto Rican students faced the same threats of deculturalization as did Asian Americans in nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Legislation in the latter part of the twentieth century has also redressed some inequities in educational opportunities for these groups while, the No Child Left Behind Act has reduced some of the multicultural gains in education which disappoints many in the teaching profession. References Nieto, Sonia and Bode, Patty (2008). Affirming diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education. Boston. Pearson Education Inc. Spring, Joel (2010). Deculturalization and the struggle for equality. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Personal Narrative- My Love of Reading and Writing Essay -- Personal N
Personal Narrative- My Love of Reading and Writing Reading and writing has always played a vital part in my life. From toddler to adult, pre-elementary to college, I’ve managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue developing those skills into talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning, and now reading and writing have become the safety net of my life. I know that even if I have nothing else in the future, I’ll still have my talent and knowledge. To ensure my success, I hope to further develop those skills so that I may fulfill my wishes. I was always a creative child; it was something I just could not not be. Back then I didn’t know how to be ‘normal.’ While the other children wrote their essays about their mothers and pets or their best friends, I wrote about becoming birds or about ducks building robots. Truly. I suppose I could blame it on my parents – my father for trying to teach me how to read when I was too young and my mother for reading The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein to me as my bedtime story – but I know, truthfully, that it wasn’t their fault. It is no one’s fault, for I do not see my strange imagination as a terrible, abnormal thing. I do know that no one in particular influenced my creativity when I was younger, but I remember being obsessive about certain stories. I remember when I got my first computer – a 16-color piece of, well, garbage that barely ran. But even though it was so old and primitive, it opened new doors for my imagination, and I spe nt my childhood either playing games about knights and dragons or running around outside and acting out my own unscripted scenari... ...from high school with high hopes that college would add the finishing touches to my writing skills – I knew I still had flaws in my style, and I didn’t know how to fix them. And now here I am, aiming to become a successful novelist or screenwriter of some sort (as long as it allows my imagination to run wild). I suppose it’s a good thing that many things shaped my literacy skills. A dozen heads are better than one, after all (and to think out my ideas, sometimes I need those extra brains, but that’s what friends are for). I’m confident that I will succeed in the writing field, wherever it may be – literature, movies, gaming – and I’m forever thankful for my talents, for I know that so many others have not had the encouragement or will to read and write as I have. So, here’s to the future of my writing, and hopefully it will be just as creative as my past was.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
A Position Paper on the Philippines and the Road to Millennium Development Goals
In February 2012, President Aquino has reiterated the Philippines’ commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in 2015, and vowed to work double time in order to fulfill the different targets under the MDGs with only 4 years left (â€Å"Aquino:PHL†¦ †, 2012). The Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, is an effort launched by the United Nations in order to improve the living conditions in different nations, by seeking to battle different social and economic problems such as hunger, poverty, violence, and other deprivations.Signed upon by all 193 UN member states in September 2000, the Millennium Development Goals comprise eight (8) development goals that each member-constituent must fulfill in 15 years, which is in 2015. The goals are: (1) eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieving universal primary education, (3) promoting gender equality and empowering women, (4) reducing child mortality, (5) improving maternal health, (6) combatting HIV/AID S, malaria and other diseases, (7) ensuring environmental sustainability, (8) developing a global partnership for development. UNDP website, retrieved August 2012. ) Aside from the perennial problems of battling poverty and eradicating different epidemics, the 5th goal, improving maternal health, remains an underlooked but equally pressing concern in the country. In a 2011 report by the Department of Health (â€Å"Philippines ranks 48†¦ †, 2010) , not only has the Philippines failed to improve the maternal mortality ratio (MMR), but the figure of mothers dying during childbirth has even ballooned, from 162 deaths in 100,000 live births in 2009, to 221 deaths in 100,000 live births in 2011.The statistics is definitely alarming, especially when compared to the figures of other nations such as 110 in Thailand, 62 in Malaysia and 14 in Singapore, all in 100,000 live births. The target that we have to reach is 55-60 deaths per 100,000 live births, which is a far cry from wher e the Philippines stands now. According to the report from the United Nations, the causes of maternal death in the country are hemorrhage, sepsis, obstructed labour, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, and complications of unsafe abortion, most of which are preventable with proper diagnosis and intervention (â€Å"Philippines†¦ , 2010). Department of Health Secretary Enrique Ona expressed the same sentiment when he explained that maternal deaths could be easily prevented with â€Å"effective family planning services, antenatal care, and access to health facilities capable of handling complications†(â€Å"RH Bill key to attaining MDG – Sec Ona†, 2012). These figures should definitely be a cause for alarm. More women actually die of complications each year, which not only stalls our progress in lowering the MMR in the country, but ultimately makes any hopes of fulfilling it much bleaker.The worsening state of maternal care in the Philippines is very tellin g of our healthcare system, and how ill-equipped it is to address a long-standing problem. The call for improvement in maternal health is not an arbitrary cause. In fact, the achievement of this goal is essential in order to fufill the other targets such as poverty reduction, hunger, and promoting gender equality. Ameliorating the plight of maternal health does not only mean improving the quality of life of newborns and their respective families, but by also giving mothers informed choices.Maternal care, after all, does not begin and end with pregnancy and childbirth; it also includes taking into account the responsibility of conceiving life. Hence, as it has always been established, efficient and effective family planning is the main solution. As reiterated earlier, it is also important to note that family planning also entails the power of allowing women to make informed choices. Empowering women to decide whether or not to reproduce based on given facts would help a large deal in keeping them at bay from potential health risks, as well as rearing of children whom they are not able to provide their needs for.The ability for health facilities to care for those mothers with complications, as well as the widespread training of more midwives to better assist in childbirth is something that the government is lagging behind to deliver. In order to impose an urgency to provide better facilities and more skilled professionals, a carefully-structured and comprehensive legislative framework is in order to be able to more effectively address the reproductive health services the Filipinos need.The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act Bill, or House Bill 4244 is an example of an effort to bring RH services to the Filipino people. One of the bill’s mandates is to centralize the local government units to provide easy access to care and treatment for reproductive health, and make family planning supplies available for regular purchase at drugstores and hospitals. Moreover, the bill would also allow the deployment of more midwives in different regions in order to attend to more deliveries.Especially important is the access to information for couples and individuals alike to adopt family planning, and the education on reproductive health. (HB 4244, 2011). Responsible parenthood and informed choices are key in the house bill. The bill would also spearhead a maternal death review, in order to better understand past trends in maternal mortality and to determine how to improve these conditions. Ensuring the passing of the bill is the best effort that the country can hope for in order to create significant progress in the improvement of maternal health.However, given the time we have left, it is still unlikely that we would reach the actual target specified in the MDGs. Still, the enactment of the RH bill can promise significant change in the predicament of maternal care. Unless the government would concentrat e on concrete legislative solution such as HB 4244, the 2015 goal for maternal health remains hopeless and the future of of mothers, uncertain. Sources: The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development Act of 2011, H. B. 4244, 15th Cong. 1st Sess. (2011). Ng, Jennifer. (2012, February 12). ‘Aquino: PHL to achieve MDGs in 4 years’. Business Mirror. Retrieved from http://businessmirror. com. ph/home/top-news/23195-aquino-phl-to-achieve-mdgs-in-4-years? tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page= Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. (n. d. ) Philippines ranks #48 in Maternal Mortality. Retrieved from http://www. pogsinc. org/v2/index. php/component/content/article/10/58-philippines-ranks–48-in-maternal-mortality Alave, Kristine. (2012, June 18).
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Saltpeter or Potassium Nitrate Facts
Saltpeter is a common chemical, used for many products and science projects. Heres a look at what exactly saltpeter is. Saltpeter is the natural mineral source of the chemical potassium nitrate, KNO3. Depending on where you live, it may be spelled saltpetre rather than saltpeter. Before systematic naming of chemicals, saltpeter was called nitrate of potash. It has also been called Chinese salt or Chinese snow. In addition to KNO3, the compounds sodium nitrate (NaNO3), calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), and magnesium nitrate (Mg(NO3)2) are also sometimes referred to as saltpeter. Pure saltpeter or potassium nitrate is a white crystalline solid, usually encountered as a powder. Most potassium nitrate is produced using a chemical reaction of nitric acid and potassium salts, but bat guano was an important historical natural source. Potassium nitrate was isolated from guano by soaking it in water, filtering it, and harvesting the pure crystals that grow. It may be produced in a similar manner from urine or manure. Uses of Saltpeter Saltpeter is a common food preservative and additive, fertilizer, and oxidizer for fireworks and rockets. It is one of the principal ingredients in gunpowder. Potassium nitrate is used to treat asthma and in topical formulations for sensitive teeth. It was once a popular medication for lowering blood pressure. Saltpeter is a component of condensed aerosol fire suppression systems, salt bridges in electrochemistry, heat treatment of metals, and for thermal storage in power generators. Saltpeter and Male Libido Its a popular myth that saltpeter inhibits male libido. Rumors abound that saltpeter has been added to food in prison and military installations to curb sexual desire, but there is no evidence to support this has been done or would even work. Saltpeter and other nitrates have a long history of medical use, but it is toxic in high doses and can produce symptoms ranging from a mild headache and upset stomach to kidney damage and dangerously altered pressure. Sources: LeConte, Joseph (1862). Instructions for the Manufacture of Saltpeter. Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Military Department. p. 14. Retrieved 4/9/2013. UK Food Standards Agency: Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers. Retrieved 3/9/2012. US Food and Drug Administration: Food Additives and Ingredients. Retrieved 3/9/2013. The Saltpeter Principle. Retrieved 3/9/2013.
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